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Saint Felix Story

Felix of Nola

Felix of Nola was a Christian presbyter at Nola near Naples in Italy. He sold off his possessions to give to the poor but was arrested and tortured for his Christian faith during the persecution of Roman Emperor Decius. 

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What were the miracles of St Felix of Nola?

After evading capture, Felix found Bishop Maximus severely ill and close to death. Felix prayed fervently for his bishop's health and miraculously, Maximus regained his strength. Their bond deepened following this miracle, reinforcing their combined resolve to nurture Christianity amidst adversity.


Where did Saint Felix live?

Saint Felix of Nola was born in the early 3rd century to Hermias in Nola, Italy. He was the elder son, and after his father passed away, he was bequeathed all of his property. Saint Felix sold off a large percentage of his properties and gave the proceeds to the needy. He then pursued a life of faith.


More about Saint Felix visit Wikipedia

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